Get Instant Savings on Your Home Electric Bills
How Can Installing a Demand Manager Computer Save You 35% Every Month?
Do you have SRP or APS Electrical Service and Live in Maricopa County, Arizona? Here is what you need to know:
- SRP will increase your electric bill 8% Starting in November 2023.
- You can save money on your Electric Bills
- Tax Credits are Available for improving your home's energy...
- You can keep your home between 68 and 72 degrees every day in the summer and still save 35% or more on your electric bills.
- Did we mention you can SAVE 35% on Electric Bills every month...
Reduce Home Electricity Bills and Save Money
An energy-saving Demand Manager System also known as a Load Manager is a computer terminal installed near your electrical panel. Once installed the computer manages your energy sources to reduce peak demand costs. By managing when electrical appliances can turn on in your home, you can eliminate spikes in energy usage throughout the day.
Spikes in energy use throughout the day determine the rate per hour that SRP and APS charge. They charge you based on the highest spike during the hour. You are not using all that electricity, but they are charging you for it.
Why pay for the electricity that you don't use?
Demand Management Technology
By utilizing technology and software, the demand manager cycles a pre-selected list of large electric loads on and off during peak hours.
The process allows customers to take control of their home's energy and avoid the costly demand spikes that can drastically increase electricity charges every month.
Solar with a Demand Manager
Due to the extensive sunshine we Arizona residents enjoy, the Solar industry has taken hold and customers can take advantage and combine the hardware of solar panels with the software of the Demand/Load Manager. The combination of technology and physical solar panels allows a homeowner to use less solar energy.
If you are considering Solar for your home give us a call and let's talk about solar and how we can save you money.
If you have solar and no demand manager, let's discuss how the Demand Manager can further assist in lowering those electric bills.
Do you know that APS and SRP charge homeowners with solar panels a fee every month for the lack of energy use in the home?
This just in! Keep Your Demand Manager When You Move!
What Does SRP Say About a Demand Manager?
Unlock Savings Using the SRP "Time of Use" plan and a Demand Manager!
The bottom line, homes with demand management technology save between 30-40% every month on their electric bills over those without.
If you are like us, you're always looking to save money during the summer. One such way you have tried saving is by increasing your thermostat to 80 degrees during the day and 78 degrees at night when you are home.
The truth is this is an inefficient way to try and save money. The AC unit has to work overtime to get the temperatures stable.
Understanding the thermodynamics of your home and how keeping the walls cold, the floors cold, and even the roof cold saves money is hard to comprehend.
* Demand Managers Regulate the Use of Electrical Services in the home, throughout the Day to Eliminate the Spikes in Energy Use.
* Once activated, the load or demand manager, will prevent multiple devices from turning on at the same time.
* When you're usage changes, so too can the demand manager schedule providing even more savings.
Why choose the Demand Manager?
To save money!
The bottom line when you have the demand manager installed, you keep your house at a comfortable temperature setting and you do not worry about your electric bills anymore.
If you are constantly looking for ways to reduce your monthly bills, you need to invest in the demand manager.
Lower your utility bills!
Save Money - 35% or more on your electric bills!
"Customers just keep saving money. We cannot keep up with the happy responses. These demand managers should be on every home in Maricopa County!"

Benefit #1 of Using the Demand Manager
Keep more money in your pocket! Get monthly money savings. Drop your electric bills by 35% or more next month once your service and system are installed.
Benefit #2 of Using the demand manager
You can have significant savings without spending thousands of dollars on an expensive solar system.
Benefit #3 of using the demand manager
Ease of mind. Once your system is installed and scheduled you don't have to worry about the AC unit. You lower your thermostat to 72 degrees and enjoy your house again.
Benefit #4 of using the demand manager
You don't need to worry about the kids opening and closing the refrigerator or turning on and off the lights. The programmed system does the thinking for you. Yes, you have to abide by the program with SRP for usage on-peak or off-peak, but you don't have to keep your AC at 78 degrees or 80 degrees when you're away.
ready to get started?
Start Saving Money Today With Energy Management Demand Manager System
Click Below and Complete the Form to Get a Call Back
We are a family-owned and operated business that is located right here in the southeast valley. We want to help you save money next month. Let's get you started and see if a demand manager is right for you. Get qualified by clicking below and complete the form providing us with some information about you and your home. Once we receive the information one of our representatives will contact you to answer any additional questions you may have.
How Simple is the Process
Depending on our schedules we can have your system installed in a few days to start your savings. Our schedule is flexible, but the sooner we get your Demand Manager installed the sooner you will start saving.
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What our clients are saying/sharing about their Savings

Who is the Demand Manager For?
- A homeowner looking to save monthly on their electric bills, 12 months a year!
- A homeowner who believes they are paying too much for electricity
- A homeowner who would like to put their money towards other bills, retirement, or fun!
- A homeowner who would like to keep saving money when the Electric Company increases rates - 8% Increase by SRP effective November 2023!
- A homeowner who would like to enjoy their home in the summer by lowering the thermostat to 72 degrees and not worry about an increase in the electric bills
- Don't worry about the cost - you can take the unit with you when you move or use it as a selling point for the sale! It is an investment in your home.
Who is the Demand Manager NOT For?
- A homeowner who is ok with paying higher rates on their electric bills
- A homeowner who enjoys a hot house in the summer
- A homeowner who thinks this is a scam. We are real and this does work! Re-read the comments above from our past clients.
Lower Monthly Utility Bills
Does SRP Support the Demand Management System?
Yes, and there are several reasons why SRP and other electrical companies support the demand manager. Primarily they like the system installed because they can sell the energy to others who pay a higher rate. In addition, with a demand manager installed less electricity is used and therefore the electrical companies can route the energy needs elsewhere.
Set It and Forget It!
The best part of the Energy Demand Management System is once you have it installed and programmed you don't need to worry about the system. Once the system is scheduled you go about your everyday activities throughout the home with no concerns about the thermostat or energy use.
The best part about the demand management system is the home size does not matter. The system works for 1,000 to 10,000 square foot homes.
The demand manager puts your home on a schedule and optimizes your energy. You get the savings by using the system along with the electrical company's time-of-use plan. Reducing spikes in energy throughout the day helps reduce your electric bills.
You will see savings immediately. You're demand manager will get scheduled and your savings will start the same day.
Yes, the demand manager combined with a solar system increases your savings monthly
No, the great part about the demand management computer system is the system works on its own. No need for a costly solar system to get savings.